
Evaluate how women empowerment programs through

Completed the following for the topic "Empowering women through micro-finance in the Caribbean".

The following objectives are:

(a) To identify gender-based barriers in the business community.

(b) To evaluate how women empowerment programs through microfinance will create business opportunities for them.

(c) How the project intends to increase access to finances and how many women in the Caribbean will benefit

(d) To evaluate how microfinance works and by what means it can generally be increased.


Indicative project title
Main academic area(s) and sub-area(s)
Context and rationale
Aims and objectives
Indicative research approach (methodology, design and methods)
Potential ethical issues
Seminal (or most relevant) references [maximum of five]


Your research proposal will provide the basis for undertaking your MBA research project and should clearly and concisely set out the key elements of your proposed research. At this stage, it should provide appropriate evidence of the area(s) of business and management that you are intending to investigate and the questions you are posing - there should be reference to the literature relating to relevant academic theory, appropriate frameworks and/or models, the proposed methodological stance and data collection techniques you intend to deploy.

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Dissertation: Evaluate how women empowerment programs through
Reference No:- TGS02829935

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