Evaluate extent to which erica armstrong dunbar successfully


She came to slay by Erics Armstrong Dunbar and Barbara Tuchman's Prism of History essay:

Three to four pages in length

Include textual evidence and in chigaco style citation

Evaluate the extent to which Erica Armstrong Dunbar successfully makes Harriett Tubman a "prism of history" in her book, She Came to Slay: The Life and Times of Harriett Tubman. First, read Barbara Tuchman's Prism of History to better understand a Prism of History.

Consider the question: Where is the proper boundary between the private and public lives of biographical subjects such as Tubman? Is there an ethics of biography? Are there rules? Should there be rules?

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History: Evaluate extent to which erica armstrong dunbar successfully
Reference No:- TGS03295541

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