
Evaluate -employer response to the career management issue


Unit II Web Assignment:

Students need to complete one of the Web Assignments listed below. Each Web Assignment has specific instructions. Students are only required to complete one of the Web Assignments. Please identify the Assignment you choose by labeling the Assignment at the top of the page as Web Assignment 1 or Web Assignment 2.

Web Assignment 1:

You will need to research a company's values and human resource practices and how these have helped in the company's business success. Choose from the following companies (you can also choose one of your own, but you will want to make sure their website gives you the information you need).

• Southwest Airlines

• Cisco Systems

• SAS Institute

• Men's Wearhouse

• Intel

• Steelcase

• Whole Foods

• Nokia

• Zappos

• Columbia Southern University

Using the information presented in this unit, perform an organizational needs analysis on the company you choose from above. Examine the company's values, visions, and statements regarding the importance of training and personal development. Try to contact someone from the company who can give you information about their training program, values, and vision, either by phone or email.

Explain who you are, and why you are interested in their company. Answer the question "Is training important to this company?" Explain why or why not using specific examples from the website or your "interview."

Your answer should be prepared using Microsoft Word, be at least 300 words, and be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.

Web Assignment 2:

Use the Department of Labor's website to find reports from the SCANS commission (Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills).

Find the report entitled "What Work Requires of Schools." Identify the competencies necessary for effective job performance. What foundational skills underlie these competencies? Using your own employer, or that of a friend or family member, interview a manager, trainer, or human resource representative of the company. BHR4680, Training and Development 3

From the DOL's website answer the below statements:

1. Identify the competencies necessary for effective job performance.

2. Discuss the foundational skills that underlie these competencies.

From your interview answer the below questions:

1. Explain the extent he or she believes that the employees at the company they work for possesses the five competencies.

2. What competencies are most strongly represented in their work force?

3. What competencies are the weakest in their work force?

Your answer should be prepared using Microsoft Word, be at least 300 words, and be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.

Unit III Assignment:Writing Objectives

Part 1 :

In a Word document, identify what is wrong with each of the below training objectives:

1. To be aware of the safety rules for operating the ribbon-cutting machine in three minutes.

2. Given a personal computer, a table and a chair, enter the data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

3. Use the World Wide Web to learn about training practices.

4. Given a street address in the city of Dublin, Ohio, be able to drive the ambulance from the station to the address in less than 10 minutes.

Part 2 :

Underneath each of your descriptions, rewrite each objective correctly. Your answer should be prepared using Microsoft Word, be at least 75 words for each, and be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.

Unit III Web Assignment:

Schneider National is a transportation management company that provides logistics and trucking services. Watch the video entitled "What to Expect at Truck Driver Orientation/Training" at the link provided below.


Use Microsoft Word to answer the below questions:

1. Identify the types of learning outcomes emphasized in the training.

2. Describe the features of Schneider's training program that contribute to learning.

Your answer should be at least 300 words, making sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.

Unit IV Web Assignment 1 :

Use a search engine of your choice, and find the website for Booz Allen Hamilton, a consulting firm. "Careers," and look through this section of their website. Describe the company's training programs, and discuss how the company's work environment supports training. Your answer should be prepared using Microsoft Word, be at least 300 words, and be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.

Unit IV Web Assignment 2:

Use a search engine of your choice and find the web site for ROI Institute, Inc. Once you have found the website, click on "Tool," and review the "Nations Hotels-Measuring the ROI in Business Coaching."

Use Microsoft Word to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of this particular approach to ROI. Your answer should at least 300 words, making sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format. BHR4680, Training and Development 4

Unit V Assignment:Apprenticeship Proposal

Use the Department of Labor's website and find the area on Registered Apprenticeship. Explore the "For Employers" section. Based on the information found here, create an apprenticeship proposal for a position in the company you work for, or wish to work for. Make sure to include in your apprenticeship specific skills the apprentice will be learning, the modeling and practice techniques that will be used, and the feedback process that will be incorporated (both informal and formal).

Explain how many hours per week the apprentice will work, and how long the entire apprenticeship should take. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your apprenticeship program.

Use Microsoft Word to create your proposal. The proposal should be between two to three pages in length and, all sources used need to be cited according to APA format.

Unit VI Assignment:Manager Memo

Use the CSU Online Library and look up the article "Baby Boomers Seek New Ways to Escape" through the Wall Street Journal database (from June 24, 2003). Use this article to help write a two page memo outlining your recommendations for developing managers who are stuck in their jobs or feel underutilized.

Use Microsoft Word to create your memo. You can use a memo template or create your own memo. Be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.

Unit VI :Web Assignment

Using a search engine of your choice, find the web site for Wal-Mart. Using their "Careers" section, explore the topic of Diversity. Using Microsoft Word, discuss what Wal-Mart has done to strengthen its diversity in approximately 100 words.

In addition, create a table that rates diversity efforts across the following categories-Top Management Support, Employee Support, Recruitment and Hiring, Identifying and Developing Talent, Ensuring Fair Treatment, Holding Managers Accountable, and Improving Relationships with External shareholders.

Your table should have three columns. The first column should list the categories, the second should give your rating from 1-10, and the third column should give your reasons for your rating. Any sources used need to be cited according to APA format.

Unit VII:Interview Assignment

Interview a relative or friend regarding their current development. The interview should:

1. Identify the current career development stage this person is in.

2. Identify a special career management challenge this person is facing.

3. Discuss how their current employer is helping them deal with this career management challenge.

4. Evaluate the employer's response to the career management issue.

5. Suggest how the company might better help him or her deal with the issue. Your interview results should be at least one page in length using Microsoft Word, citing any sources used according to APA format.

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HR Management: Evaluate -employer response to the career management issue
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