
Evaluate audi controversial advertising campaign

Assignment Task: Read the following mini-case study, conduct further research on the case and thereafter complete the task below:

Audi - Comparisons went wrong!

The most prestigious German automobile manufacturing brand with years of untainted reputation suddenly drew some harmful sparks over social media lately.

In 2017, Audi rolled out a campaign with a TVC that showed a soon-to-be mother-in-law going up to the altar and performing a thorough checking of her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. The mother checks the bride's teeth and tongue pinches her nose and lips, pulls her hair and then nods for approval!

As ridiculous as it sounds, Audi was ignorant and thoughtless by creating the commercial and airing it. The severe backlash was received and several people unanimously demeaned the sexist ad. Yes, there's no denying the fact that Audi always promotes careful checking when it comes to buying a car. But a car is a car! And a woman is a human, made of flesh and blood.

The sexist ad did nothing but reduced the stature of a lady to a mere vehicle. Of course funny wins big, but not by poking fun at sensitive issues. A brand must not give in to slapstick fun at the cost of a few chuckles. Establishing a brand and promoting its intrinsic values take time. But letting it all go takes seconds.

At present, online reputation and digital image are all that a brand has. Audi may not have intended to belittle a woman, but nonetheless, if a touchy subject is in question, it is always better to give it a second thought. Anything and everything your marketing team brings as a marketing idea must not be accepted. Or this may hurt the brand tremendously. The ad is still considered one of the most controversial ads of all time.


Article: The Top 10 Controversial Marketing Campaigns That Received Global Flak

Answer ALL the questions

Question 1: With reference to the key criteria the organization should have considered when selecting the communications tools, critically evaluate Audi's controversial advertising campaign and recommend how the organisation could have avoided the negative consequences associated with their marketing communications.

Question 2: Audi's advertising campaign attracted a lot of criticism. Marketers are expected to consider ethical issues in the execution of their communication strategies. Discuss the situation where the organisation displayed little or no consideration of ethical principles. Your answer should have particular reference to the treatment of vulnerable groups, privacy and respect for persons, questions of taste and decency and truth-telling.

Question 3: In terms of the communication process, there are several factors that influence a consumer's decision to purchase. Discuss these factors that Audi should consider for their next communication campaign.

Question 4: According to the article: "At present, online reputation and digital image are all that a brand has. Audi may not have intended to belittle a woman, but nonetheless, if a touchy subject is in question, it is always better to give it a second thought. Anything and everything your marketing team brings as a marketing idea must not be accepted." You, as Audi's marketing manager, are convinced that social networks have become an important force in both business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing. Countless independent and commercial websites have arisen that give consumers online places to congregate, socialize and exchange views and information. Compile a report to convince the board members of the benefits of online social networks for Audi's forthcoming marketing communications campaign.

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Marketing Management: Evaluate audi controversial advertising campaign
Reference No:- TGS03228212

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