
Evaluate and make judgements on cases based on the evidence

Judges in courtrooms have to evaluate and make judgements on cases based on the evidence presented to them, and the Supreme Court is the final judgement.

Using the following link called "Supreme Court Review for Local Governments," you should read the article and discuss two cases described in the article.

Summarize the facts of the case without copying the article and write a response to the judge's decision as to whether or not you agree or disagree with it based on the facts of the case.

Comment on at least two of your classmate's posts discussing whether or not you agree with their summary and evaluation of the decision.

Remember to use facts and logic and not emotion. Please feel free to use articles from the GMC library from databases like Galileo, JSTOR, or ProQuest to support your decision and remember to cite your sources.


For each article:

Paragraph 1

Summarize the case you choose. A few sentences should suffice. Summarize in your own words with enough information that the reader grasps the main idea of the case.

Paragraph 2

Write your response to the judge's decision. You agree? Disagree? Why/why not?

Use facts from previous cases or other situations.

Or apply opinions of the experts who have discussed these cases.

Please cite from where you obtained this information.

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Dissertation: Evaluate and make judgements on cases based on the evidence
Reference No:- TGS02909786

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