
Evaluate and analyze current changes critiques or recent

Part 1:

1) Assigned topic : Fraud and Abuse (penalties and differences)

These are NOT TERMS- while you are expected to educate the class on the topic you are assigned you are to:

• Critically evaluate the topic in relation to managing a facility. Be specific general statements such as "an administrator should be aware" is not critical thinking or illustrating a command of the content.

• Evaluate and analyze current changes, critiques, or recent events surrounding the topic and why they are of significance and how they impact a health facility. Think through financial impacts, staffing, information systems etc. What does this touch and how?

2) Of the resources described in the readings (soil, water, minerals, food), which one do you think humans are having the greatest, negative impact on? Support your answer. Regardless of your answer above, take the water usage test: https://www.h2oconserve.org/home.php?pd=index Provide your table with the water results in your posting

Part 2

• Make a list of the food and beverage items you (alone - not your whole family) eat and drink in one dinner, including condiments. Then determine where the food was made or grown by reading the food labels. Determine the distance between your location and where the food was made, or grown, using one of many "distance calculators" found on the Internet (Mapquest, YahooMaps, etc.).

• Use this table and fill in your personal data:

• Determine the distance between your location and where the food was made, or grown, using one of many "distance calculators" found on the Internet (Mapquest, YahooMaps, etc.).

• Please use your data to discuss air, water, and energy uses/abuses associated with the average American meal--is it greater or less than the average miles driven per day in a typical American car?

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Dissertation: Evaluate and analyze current changes critiques or recent
Reference No:- TGS01373566

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