Evaluate an individual's nutritional status using appropriate clinical assessment strategies and interpret food science information appropriate to consumer needs.
You need to complete the following:
- Create a case study individual who is among your chosen study population. Include the individual's age, race, height, weight, BMI, and demographics.
- Describe what a typical day's worth of meals and snacks for this individual would include (what they actually eat before they have had any nutrition counseling).
- Indicate and describe in detail what nutrition assessment tools you would use to evaluate the overall health and nutritional health of the case study individual.
Source: Dietary Guidance and Dietary Assessment Tools: United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from
This website provides a variety of tools related to dietary assessment, including calorie calculators and the Natl Cancer Institute Diet History Questionnaire. Also find a link to the Dietary Assessment Calibration/Validation Register, a registry of validation studies and publications.
Source: Body Mass Index: Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved from
This website discusses Body Mass Index, how it is calculated, and how it is assessed.
Source: Waist Circumference: NHLBI Classification on Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved from
This website discusses Waist Circumference, how it is calculated, and how it is assessed.
Source: CDC Natll Report on Biochemical Indicators of Diet and Nutrition in the U.S. Population; Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved from
This report gives a detailed biochemical assessment of nutrition status covering 58 biochemical indicators.
Source: Dietary Assessment: U.S. Dpt of Agriculture. Retrieved from
This website offers a variety of nutrition assessment tools.