
Evaluate an educational and leadership theory



The purpose of the Research Paper: Final Submissionis to analyze a theory of education and leadership (either or both) from a Christian worldview. This is an integration exercise in learning to lead from the aspect of core Christian roots verses personal bias. The goal is to clearly set forth a specific proposal for leadership and evaluate this proposal against a Christian worldview.


You will write a research-based paper that focuses on and evaluates an educational and/or leadership theory.

Items to includeare outlined as follows:

• Length of assignment should be 3,700 to 5,000 words

o Include any information that is excluded from this length is the title page and abstract

• Format of assignment should be in the current APA format

• Number of citations should be 15 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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History: Evaluate an educational and leadership theory
Reference No:- TGS03179334

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