
Evaluate an actual justice or justice-related program from


All writing projects must follow the APA 6TH EDITION FORMAT. If you have not purchased the APA Manual, do so ASAP. You cannot use the short cut method of downloading, or the small booklet. If the assignments are not in the proper format they will not be accepted. Always re-read your work, have the correct Title Page, Abstract, and References on all assignments.

Evaluate an actual justice or justice-related program from a restorative framework. Briefly describe the program or approach, and then assess ways that it does or does not measure up to a restorative justice "yardstick." Does it reinforce punishment or restorative values? Suggest ways it does and does not point in a restorative direction and how it could become, or be part of, a more restorative approach. This paper should be 3 pages in length not counting Title Page, Abstract, or Reference. DUE WEEK FIVE ON FRIDAY AT 7:00pm. MINIMUM 3 PAGES
Please do not forget to cite, have an abstract page, and references.

Textbook Info: Van Ness, D. & Strong, K. (2015). Restoring justice: An introduction to restorative justice. [5TH ED] Boston, MA. Anderson Publishing

FYI: In case it matters when choosing a program, I live in Atlanta, Ga.

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Dissertation: Evaluate an actual justice or justice-related program from
Reference No:- TGS02311114

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