
Evaluate acquiring new micrometers for gauging diameters -

Problem Statement: Too many rejects and high scrap rate

Project Goals: Reduce scrap

Defect Definition: Under/over size diameter

Improvement Actions: 1. Changes implemented

( List the improvement Actions here/ changes implemented)

Project Savings: Scrap cost savings (quantity)

2. Follow up Plan to Sustain the Gains:

Control steps for sustainability

(List the control steps to sustainability here)


A value stream mapping team was put together to map and benchmark the current state of our grinding cell. This team was comprised of the cells supervisor, its two full time operators, a quality inspector, and our Six Sigma team. Through the mapping activity and subsequent brainstorming sessions the team the made these noteworthy observations with respect to areas of possible improvement:
That maintenance currently performed on our two grinding machines largely leaves many fundamental concerns and problems unresolved. That our internal maintenance staff lacks the support and expertise to properly maintain these machines. That previously contracted maintenance support which was available when the machines were originally acquired is no longer available.

That improving our gauging and indexing capabilities (i.e., the ability to precisely gauge shaft diameters as well having the ability to precisely know its positional relationship to grinding wheel throughout the grinding process) could bring about improvements in our ability to consistently grind within our given tolerance ranges and improve output.

That acquiring a third machine and dedicating it to grinding our line requirements could reduce the amount of set-up time currently required for changeover and thereby increase the cells overall output as well as having the potential to reduce set-up related errors.
That a better grade grinding wheel than is currently being used might be available, that a different abrasive might help in increasing the grinding accuracy and overall output.

Document information found only in the charter:

An explanation of why the project is being done

A statement of the goal and desired results in measurable terms

Project plan and milestones

Roles and responsibilities

Date charter was reviewed

Who approved the charter


Put problem statement here and remove bullets below.

A detailed description of the problem that anyone can understand after having read the "Background" and "Definitions" slides.

Problem description should be from customer's point of view

It should be as specific as possible.

It should NOT contain root causes or solutions.

Problem statements do not include the words "implement", "install", etc. If the team already knows what the solution is, this is not a Green Belt project.

Describe the negative things the customers experience and how this impacts them. Keep it high level.

As measurements are taken and as the scope narrows, update this problem statement with the new information. By project end, this problem statement will tell what problems occurred, how often, where, who was affected, etc. BEFORE the improvement was made!

Action items:

Evaluate acquiring new micrometers for gauging diameters.

Evaluate acquiring alternate methods for gauging diameters, suchas air and laser gauging.

Look into after market machine indexing packages that can automate diameter gauging, machine indexing, and give us the capability of automatic wheel dressing compensation, such a Marpossor similar type system. (www.marposs.com)

Look into acquiring new machines with modern control mechanisms.

Evaluate theses options from both a cost and time savings perspective.

Basically our shafts require four different grinding operations, three outside diameter grinds and one face grind. The face grind requires a different grinding wheel than that used to grind the outside diameters. Changing over and setting up for this grind can take up to eighty minutes. Acquiring a third grinding machine and dedicating it to the face grinding could reduce change over and set-up times and increase available grinding time and therefore our output.

Action item:

Evaluate this option from both a cost and time savings perspective.

Grinding whels come in many different abrasive forms; some may be better suited to our needs than those that are currently being used. If an abrasive can found that would yield better results than those now achieved it terms of the numbers of wheel dressings required, the speed at which material can be removed, and improve repeatability in terms of being able to hold size then some improvement could be realized.

Action items:
Contact various grinding wheel manufactures and or sales representatives and explore the different abrasive options available.
Purchase the best choice and compare its performance against what is currently being used.

Implementation Planning: Measure shaft diameters ground with new wheel using original measurement plan (data sheet)

Identify the following:
What type of data will be collected.
Attribute Data - qualitative (yes/no, pass/fail, damage/no damage)
Variable Data - quantitative (time, dimensions, percentages)
Why the data is needed.
Where the data will be collected.
How the data will be collected (method).
When the data will be collected (frequency).
Who will collect the data.

Select Solutions: Use different wheel to reduce frequency of wheel dressing

Conclusion statements
Put the define state( telling what you did in the entire project and the actions implemented
The conclusion statements should be on the very last slide, it show explain in clear terms


The Project Team identifies ways to "mistake-proof" the process improvement.
automate diameter gauging and machine indexing,
Improve the frequency of data collection and capability to compensate for wheel dressing

Attachment:- six sigma.rar

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Supply Chain Management: Evaluate acquiring new micrometers for gauging diameters -
Reference No:- TGS02360252

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