
Evaluate a system or subsystem to identify possible

Outcome:The ability to identify, describe, and apply the fundamental aspects of systems safety.{ABET-(c, k), SHM-(1,3)}

Purpose:This Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) assignment determines the reliability of a given system. It can specifically evaluate a system or subsystem to identify possible failures of each individual component in a system and forecasts the effects of any failure(s).

In the practice of modern system safety analysis, the system safety engineer attempts to provide a sufficient level of information to organizational management so that informed decisions may be made regarding hazard risk acceptance or rejection.

The safety and health professional can utilize a wide variety of techniques and methods to determine risk levels and through pre-established acceptance criteria, and make recommendations to management.

Your assignment must follow the general guidelines listed below. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] if you have questions about these requirements or needfurther information. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in having your assignment refused and returned to you withpartial or zero credit.

• All assignments submitted for credit must be your original work. Forindividual assignments, you may discuss the questions and any broad ideas with your classmates, but you must do the work yourself and turn in your ownwork.

• The assignment must be typedsingle-spaced using Time New Roman12-point font with a standard 1" margin on the left and right sides with a 0.5 inchsetting for the bottom and top. The margin set up is found under the page layout on your Word menu.

• You must staple all pages togetherin the upper left-hand corner. Do this beforecoming to class; do not expect a stapler to be available in the classroom.

Attachment:- fmeaassignment_sp17_0.rar

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Dissertation: Evaluate a system or subsystem to identify possible
Reference No:- TGS02301829

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