
Eutrophication while not immediately dangerous to humans

Global Environmental Health:
1. Eutrophication, while not immediately dangerous to humans, destroys ecosystems. What chemical species is the most important "limiting" nutrient?
A. Phosphorous
B. Nitrogen
C. Potassium
D. Carbohydrates

2. Pit privies (outhouses) were designed to contain human excrement and of course to provide privacy. However, which of the following adverse consequences most impacts public health.
A. the liquid fraction of human waste migrates downward and groundwater flow and ultimately contaminate a drinking water well downstream
B. the buildup of methane gas from anaerobic decomposition has been know to ignite and people have died
C. the odors emanating from pit privies are toxic and get people sick
D. the residual solids attract and harbor rodents and vermin that carry disease.

3. The microbial indicator used to determine if water is sanitary (i.e. free of pathogens) is:
A. Toxigenic E. Coli (O157:H7) group
B. Shigella group
C. Coliform group
D. Total plate count of viable bacteria

4. Dry deposition of airborne contaminants, agricultural run-off and groundwater transport of chemical contaminants to surface waters are all examples of:
A. Non-point sources of water pollution
B. Activities that would require discharge permits
C. Point source water pollution
D. Industry wide water regulations

5. New York City harbor water is now swimmable and fishable.
A. True
B. False

6. An interesting and quite ambitious goal of the Federal Water Pollution Contol Act of 1972 was the declaration that "all waters should be swimmable and fishable by 1983" and that there will be "zero discharge of water pollutants by 1985". This goal was accomplished.
A. True
B. False

7. What chemical agent may leach out of the dyes from this floating diety and into the water causing a drinking water hazard?
A. lead
B. pesticides
C. hexavalent chromium
D. suspended solids

8. The 1899 Rivers and Harbors Act was originally intended to keep waters navigable but was re-interpreted over the years to regulate many water pollutants.
A. True
B. False

9. Match the contaminant removed with the secondary treatment process.
A. Clarifier or Sludge Thickener --→
B. Chlorination tank --→
C. Bar Screening chamber ---→
D. Aeration Tank ---→
E. Grit Chamber ---→
F. Digester ---→
Match with: 1. Cholera and human pathogens
2. Sand and rocks
3. Oxidation of sugars and organic matter
4. Produces methane gas
5. Removes paper, sticks and cans
6. Wastewater sludge is thickened
10. Match these water pollution / parameter terms.
A. Coliform Group
D. Calcium and magnesium
Match with:1. Essentially measures biodegradability of waste
2. Indicator for microbial / pathogenic quality of water
3. Synthetic organic chemicals
4. A measure of hardness
11. As the trial started, the US EPA placed the Woburn, Mass groundwater wells on the National Priorities (ie Superfund) list.
A. True or
B. False

Part B From : Civil ActionBOOK

12. Jerome Facher was lead attorney representing which defendant?
A. WR Grace
B. Beatrice Foods
C. General Motors
D. Unifirst

13. Prior to the lawsuit, the company, John Riley Tannery was taken over by which defendant?
A. WR Grace
B. Exxon Chemical
C. General Motors
D. Beatrice Foods
14. How many families (plaintiff's) file suit?
A. 5-10
B. 11-20
C. 21-50
D. 51-100
E. 100+

15. The lead plaintiff attorney in "A Civil Action" was Jan__________?

16. House dust under your bed and furniture may be unsightly and seem innocuous, but it can actually contain: (choose all that apply)
A. dust mites
B. allergens
C. mold spores
D. lead particles

17. Match the air pollution generation process with the appropriate classification
A. Combustion Processes
B. Evaporation Processes
C. Chemical Reactions
D. Grinding / Friction Processes
Match from: 1. Particles released then accumulate on your window shelf or on "snow"
2. Automobiles are the biggest contributor in this category
3. Industrial processes like the manufacture of plastics and photochemical reactions
4. A land based petroleum oil spill

18. This is African Elephant Ivory burning. What is the primary constituent (by weight) in this air pollution plume?
A. Particulates
B. Ozone
C. Protein
D. Nitrogen dioxide

19. The 4,000+ fatalities of the 1952 London Smog Episode were random deaths. Meaning people of all ages and conditions died equally.
A. True
B. false
20. Indoor air quality problems in office buildings are usually a caused by an imbalance between 2 factors, in alphabetical order they are and .

21. Mold myths:

A. True
B. False

1. Mold can grow on all surfaces

2. A typical home can never be mold-free

3. Mold spores, like chemicals, follow a dose response reaction (i.e. they affect everybody)

4. Living and dead mold can cause problems.

5. Mold litigation today is mostly a property damage issue and not health related.

22. Photochemical oxidants are produces by interactions between which of the following (choose all that apply).

A. Particulates

B.Ultra violet radiation


D.Carbon monoxide

E.Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)

F.sulfur dioxide

23. What is it about these creatures that causes adverse "indoor air pollution" health effects?
A. They insects easily transport pathogens to foods and cause illness
B. Their exoskeletons are made of proteins and when airborne can present an allergenic hazards
C. These insects are harmless and not a public health hazard
D. Their fecal material is quite toxic and can cause chronic human health effects

24. In this Temperature Inversion photo from Russia, which layer has the coolest air?
A. A top of sky
B. B middle section of sky
C. Layers A and B are isothermal (same temperature)

25. A temperature inversion always produces unhealthy air quality.
A. True
B. False

26. In the fatal Cameroon "lake" episode; the gas that was released was poisonous.
A. True
B. False

27. Street odors emanating from food vendors, garbage piles, dog excrement are all classified as:
A. nuisance (aesthetic) air pollutants
B. primary air pollutants
C. photochemical oxidants
D. hazardous emission standards

28. The primary acute toxicant(s) in the December 5th 1952 London Smog Episode was: (choose all that apply)
A. fine particulates
B. fog
C. sulfur dioxide
D. polycyclic hydrocarbons

29. Lake was the site in Cameroon, Africa where over 1,700 died from carbon dioxide asphyxiation.
30. The 1952 London Smog Air Pollution disaster is vividly portrayed In episode 4 of The

31. Over the last few years, the price of sulfur dioxide air pollution credits has gone down in value.
A. This is good news because it means industries are complying with emission regulations and do not need to buy the credits.
B. This is terrible news, since low prices means companies will be encouraged to buy credits to pollute much more

1. Trading air pollutants

2. Photochemical oxidant

3. Primarily produced from the incomplete combustion of carbon

4. Produced from automotive braking and various construction projects

32. Match the statement with the air pollutant.

A. carbon monoxide
B. ozone
C. sulfur dioxide
D. particulates

33. Match the drinking water treatment technology with the parameter removed.

A. paper or a glass fiber filter
B. boiling
C. reverse osmosis
D. activated carbon filter

1. If you wanted to treat water for microbial destruction at home, you would use this

2. This removes odors, organic odors, chlorine and some gases

Most inexpensive faucet based systems use this technology

4. A technology that can remove particles, inorganic and organic chemical compounds but is rather expensive.

34. NYC and other large cities get their drinking water primarily from:
A. Surface water supplies
B. Large desalination plants
C. Groundwater
D. Roof based water collection systems

35. Match the drinking secondary drinking water parameter with the aesthetic effect.

A. Slippery feel to water
B. Water to taste poorly
C. Water to turn reddish and stains clothes
D. Skin discoloration
E. Staining and corrosivity issues in plumbing

1. Sulfate causes..

2. Iron causes..

3. Chloride causes..

4. Copper causes..

5. Silver causes..

36. Bangladesh, Northeast India and Indo-China have a common potable drinking water problem. Which inorganic toxicant is causing the problem?
A. Arsenic
B. Lead
D. Copper
37. Brown or brownish colored water is always a sign of an unhealthy water.



38. Drinking water quality standards are very uniform worldwide and set exclusively by the UN.



39. This picture is of a colleague in Southern India standing next to a drainage ditch which is carrying contaminated water out of a waste landfill containing ___________ tailings.
A. lead
B. iron
C. uranium
D. chromium

40. The device this person is using will remove all of the following waterborne contaminants except:
A. Pesticides
B. Coliform bacteria
C. Giardia lamblia protozal cells
D. Cholera spores

41. Rainwater collected from roof-top systems in Bermuda, as shown here, is generally considered safe to consume as opposed to urban area rainwater collection systems because:
A. Rain originating from oceans is much cleaner that rain originating for land or forests
B. It's cost prohibitive to do this in urban areas
C. The high air quality over bermuda allows this. In urban areas the air pollution washed out of the atmosphere would be contaminated
D. The collection systems systems in urban areas are old and may contaminate the clean rainwater

42. A high BOD value produces a water quality that is very toxic to humans.



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Science: Eutrophication while not immediately dangerous to humans
Reference No:- TGS02474215

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