
Euler equation for transonic and supersonic flows

Question 1:

Consider the polar coordinate system drawn in space about circular cylinder. Describe this system in relation to general idea of boundary fitted coordinate system.  Also compute the metrics for this system.

Question 2:

Write down an account on the:

(a) Lax-Wendroff Technique and

(b) MacCormack’s Technique.

Question 3:

Illustrate how the lift generated on the arbitrary body by using the vortex panel method.

Question 4:

Using source panel technique, estimate the forces acting on the circular cylinder which is sinusoidally oscillating perpendicular to free stream direction.

Question 5:

Verify that node centered Finite volume technique formulation yields the result identical to finite difference technique for rectangular grids.

Question 6:

By using Cell – centred average scheme, rewrite Euler equation for the transonic and supersonic flows.

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Mechanical Engineering: Euler equation for transonic and supersonic flows
Reference No:- TGS012433

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