
Etsc 101001 explore and gather information on materials


The purpose of this assignment is to aid your decision making concerning materials and manufacturing processes that will be specified for your design solution for the final group design project. This is an individual assignment, but may be combined with the efforts of your teammates to make decisions for materials and manufacturing processes for your design solution.

1. Explore and gather information on the materials used to meet similar specifications that your design solution has. For example, if your design solution has a high tensile strength specification, explore materials that have high tensile strengths. Use matweb.com and other resources to explore the different material properties of different materials.

2. Then explore how those materials are processed. Also explore similar design solutions to yours, and products that have similar geometries and features to yours for the ways that they are processed and manufactured.

3. Compose a short memo (1 page or so) reporting on what you found. All of this information may be used in your final group design report and would supplement greatly the sections concerning phase 2 and 4 of the design process.

Your report must include the appropriate heading introduced in the assignment and must be formatted as an executive memo. Turn in via Canvas by the posted due date.

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Other Engineering: Etsc 101001 explore and gather information on materials
Reference No:- TGS02182539

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