
Ethics using the paralegal code of conduct in ontario

Assignment task: Please assist me in answering the questions of paralegals Ethics using the paralegal code of conduct in Ontario if needed

1. You were representing Barney at a tribunal hearing when an adjournment was called by the board members adjudicating the matter. You ran into the senior board member in the washroom and decided to talk to him about the case. You pleaded that your client was being unjustly treated and had done nothing unreasonable or that would attract blame and that the matter was harming him psychologically and with his standing in the community.

Did you act appropriately? Which one of the following statements is correct?

a) Yes. You must always be prepared to diligently advance you client's case at every opportunity in order to give him/her the best representation possible.

b) No. It is conduct unbecoming a paralegal to discuss serious legal matters in a public washroom.

c) No. You were talking to just one board member without the other two present. d) No. You must not attempt to influence the outcome outside of the hearing.

2. With regard to Law Society, which one of the following best states its role with the paralegal/legal professions?

a) Its mandate is limited to governing the profession of lawyers in Ontario.

b) Its primary function is to provide support to licensees (lawyers and paralegals).

c) Its primary mandate is to govern the paralegal and legal professions in the public interest.

d) It primary functions are limited to three main areas; education, licensing and professional regulation.

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Reference No:- TGS03420537

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