
Ethics-society and business

Question 1:

a) What do you mean by the term Ethics? Compare and contrast the various approaches to study ethics.
b) Describe the concept of environmental ethics. How is it used in handling the critical environmental issues?

Question 2:

a) Explaining the interrelatedness of Ethics, Society and Business, throw light on the social responsibility of business.
b) The moral parameters to judge the competitive formats help to evaluate the effectiveness of competition in a society. Describe

Question 3:

a) Analyze the different dimensions of the problem of ethics in public sector management.
b) How does the technology carry a potential for ethical conflict?

Question 4:

a) Developing an ethics policy in an organization is beneficial. Elaborate.
b) Take an illustration to discuss the application of ‘social audit’.

Question 5:

a) How can industries be regulated for their healthy development? How far IDRA has come up to our expectations?
b) What do you mean by the term dispute? Explain the forums at which it can be resolved

Question 6:

a) Describe the prominent issues that have figured in the last two WTO summits.
b) What do you mean by the term employee discrimination and exploitation? How does it influence the ethical climate in an organization?

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Management Theories: Ethics-society and business
Reference No:- TGS02667

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