
Ethics in sport and exercise cover a vast array of

Question: Researching Ethical Issues

Ethics in sport and exercise cover a vast array of situations, environments, and people of different backgrounds and cultures. The purpose of this project is to enable you to critically examine an area of personal or professional interest that relates to an ethical dilemma or situation.

In this assignment, begin thinking about ethical issues in a sport of interest to you. Look for an area of interest that involves an ethical dilemma and that you would like to research further. Topics can include subjects discussed in a module or something outside the scope of the content in this course. Check EBSCO, Psych Info, and other resources for your research. Then, write a brief summary of what you found and what interested you.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Create a 150-200-word summary in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file SP6300_M1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. By the due date assigned, post your response to Submissions Area.

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Dissertation: Ethics in sport and exercise cover a vast array of
Reference No:- TGS02679534

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