
Ethics case-reasons and rationalizations


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Ethics Case: Reasons and Rationalizations

Brian is proud to manage the highest perfoming sales team in his computer hardware company. His group focuses on institutional end- users and has led the firm in sales perfomance for almost two years now. Brian took over the group9months ago andis pleased and relieved that they have been able to continue the winning streak under his leadership. Nevertheless, lately he has been findinghimself losing sleep overanever growing list of questionable practices he has begun to notice. He recognizes the intense pressure his folks are under to meet andeven exceed their numbers pressures that come from the company on the one hand, and from the intensepersonal competitiveness that his salespeople bring to their jobs on the other.And then thereare the bonuses tied to meeting sales goals, and the desiretoplease, and thereby retain customers.

Over the past few months as he becomes more famiar Wei It staff and their routines and as they come to trust him more Brian sees evidence of activities that wony him: sales representatives who ovorkle the sales report* systems in order to get the customer the price he or she wants (Brian heard about tit one from a colleague in operations who was complaining about meat& demands); reps who ittuact inappropriately with customers (for example Brian has heard nrnors of reps sharing pornography via the company e-mail in Miff to win their loyalty, reps who over promisee or who use special promotions inappropriately in ceder to seal the deal (again, rumors); reps who submit unrequested credit friance app6cafions for 01dr-customers ii crder to get the associated bonuses fn this instance at of the administrators procce.sing the request approached Brian because the paperwork looked fishy to hen); etc.

Brian isconcerned about these practices for marry reasons, but he s also worried about rnessingarou rid with a v.innietg formula I-Ic wants 3J clean up his shop but doesnt want to underminethe motiuotim and wiring spirit of his staff. What are the main arguments you will be trying to counter?

What are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?

What's at stake for the key parties, including those with whom you disagree?

What levers can you use to influence those with whom you disagree?

What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?

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Business Law and Ethics: Ethics case-reasons and rationalizations
Reference No:- TGS02038511

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