
Ethics are principles of right and wrong

Answer the below in a True or False

1) The economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities that comprise Carroll's social responsibility pyramid apply only to organizations.( )

2) Attitudes about ethical behaviors and practices are universal across cultures.( )

3) Ethics are principles of right and wrong that influence behavior.( )

4) A situation in which people have to decide whether to pursue an action that may benefit them or their organization but which is unethical or illegal is called double jeopardy.( )

5) Illegal use of private company information to further one's own fortunes or those of family and friends is called backroom dealing.()

6) Enhancing your personal wealth through insider trading may be unethical, but it is not illegal. ( )

7) Signing the MBA oath is required of every U.S. student upon completion of graduate study in business.( )

8) Written standards guiding employees on appropriate ways to treat stakeholders and prohibiting conflicts of interest are called a code of ethics.( )

9) Compliance-based ethics codes enable responsible employee conduct mainly by creating a supportive environment for such behavior.( )

10) Companies that prevent employee criminal misconduct through control and punishment often utilize compliance-based ethics codes.( )

11) Marcia is the ethics officer at her company. Her job is to ensure that values initiatives and compliance activities take precedence in the company's decision-making processes.( )

12) A whistleblower who reports misconduct to authorities is someone within the offending organization.( )

13) An arrangement in which cash from newer investors is used to pay off older investors is called multilevel marketing.( )

14) Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, whistleblowers are protected from retaliation by their employers.( )

15) Only large corporations should be concerned with practicing social responsibility.( )

16) A company cannot succeed by doing social good.( )

17) Blended value measures the outcome of all business investments in both economic and social realms.( )

18) A systematic assessment of a company's performance in implementing socially responsible programs is called a blended value audit.( )

19) The positions a company takes on political and social issues are documented in its code of ethics.( )

20) Cause-related marketing involves a partnership between a business and a nonprofit organization.( )

21) Social entrepreneurship is limited to the nonprofit sector.( )

22) Sustainability focuses on both the present and the future.( )

23) Illegal behavior can impact a company's profits.( )

24) Business ethics do not impact investor behavior.( )

25) Stockholders who resent a company's social responsibility activities are logically focused on maximizing their profits.( )

26) Sweatshops do not exist in the United States.( )

27) Participating in community activities offers no marketing or promotional value for a business.( )

28) The Global Compact promoting social and environmental practices for business was established by the United Nations.( )

29) Global climate change has no impact on economic development.( )

30) Members of the Millennial generation are generally passive and uninvolved in social issues.( )

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