
Ethics aims at harmonizing human interactions through

From the list of statements below, determine which statements are best supported (justified) by Confucian Ethics (C); which by Aristotelian Ethics (A); which by Kantian Ethics (K); which by Utilitarian Ethics (U); and which by none of the previously mentioned theories (N).

1. Ethics aims at harmonizing human interactions through respect for oneself which inspires respect for others.
2. Ethics aims at instilling personal excellence based on competence and uncompromising integrity.
3. Ethics aims at reducing suffering and increasing happiness.
4. Excesses should be avoided since they disrupt balanced interactions.
5. Excesses should be avoided since they compromise the chances of living a complete, fulfilling life
6. Excesses should be avoided since they cannot be universalized.
7. Excesses should be avoided since they arbitrarily promote the well-being of some at the expense of the well-being of others.
8. There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one society's moral code as better or worse than another's.
9. While there is no physical, artistic or intellectual equality among humans, there is a fundamental hence universal equality of moral worth of each human in virtue of being human.
10. Mistreating people is never morally justified since it reflects poorly on the character of s/he who mistreats.
11. Mistreating people results from a personal failure of imagination or knowledge on how to interact with others.
12. Mistreating people cannot be morally justified since it teaches that mistreatment is acceptable when one has the power to do so without legal consequences.
13. Mistreating anyone cannot be morally justified since it is absurd to correctly reason with (use) the meaning of Cmis-treat (a.k.a Ctreat incorrectly) yet reason that mistreating is correct at least sometimes.
14. I behave kindly because that is what a kind human should do when circumstances warrant kindness.
15. I am kind to others because kindness inspires kindness in others and, at the same time, a peaceful, healthy disposition in oneself

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Other Subject: Ethics aims at harmonizing human interactions through
Reference No:- TGS0789895

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