Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Intrinsic values are deemed to be good because of their consequences and because they are a desired means to an end.
B. Moral rules, as well as exceptions to moral rules, are established by means of ethical principles.
C. There are no important differences between social conventions and moral rules.
D. Most moral questions have clearly demonstrable correct answers that can be scientifically established.
Which of the following is not an accurate statement?
A. According to the Sophists, moral terms such as "justice" had no basis or truth in any objective, fixed reality and thus were merely relative terms, relative to the person using them.
B. The highest stage of moral development according to Lawrence Kohlberg is to obey the law and to uphold the current ruling legal order.
C. For Plato, the Form of the Good is the final expression and absolute source of morality and goodness.
D. Plato's theory of Organizational Ethics including his conception of the Just State is a very elitist notion that reflects distrust for the masses and democracy.
According to the Natural Rights theory of John Locke,
A. All people possess in the State of Nature and thus by the Natural Law certain inalienable rights - the right to life, liberty, and property.
B. Natural Rights supersede any legal, government, or political laws.
C. Natural Rights supersede any social conventions and local customs.
D. All of the above.
Bribery, though commonly thought wrongful, arguably can be considered moral pursuant to:
A. Utilitarian ethics if the overall greater good is achieved by paying the bribe even though there are certain negative consequences for some stakeholders (such as the competition and the host society).
B. Ethical egoism from the vantage point of the company paying the bribe if they really need the contract with the foreign government and they have a policy of "letting the locals deal with the locals."
C. Ethical relativism if making the "gifts" (that is, "bribe" payments") to foreign government officials is considered to be an acceptable and appropriate practice and custom in the host county.
D. All of the above.
Which of the following is NOT a correct statement?
A. A categorical imperative, according to Kant, prescribes certain types of actions as absolutely morally necessary regardless of any end or any particular desire.
B. When Kant emphasizes the concept of "good will," he means to have fun and enjoy life because life is short and uncertain.
C. Lying is immoral according to Kant because lying cannot logically be "legislated" into a universal moral law.
D. Utilitarianism fails the second test of Kant's Categorical Imperative - the Kingdom of Ends test - because people cannot be treated as mere means even to justify the production of greater good
What does Kant mean by having a Good Will?
A. Feeling good about an action so that it is moral pursuant to Ethical Emotism.
B. Determining what the General Will of society is pursuant to Rousseau's Social Contract theory.
C. Being nice, polite, and cheerful to people since being nice is an instrumental value.
D. Having the moral strength of character to do what your reason tells you is the moral thing to do, and not to do what you know is wrong.
The moral theory of ethical relativism can best be characterized by:
A. The consultation of an outside source, such as a book or person, for guidance.
B. The belief that the moral rules should be determined by persons who have a "veil of ignorance" about their place or station in society.
C. The belief that a person must decide what course of action is moral based on what a society believes is proper and right.
D. Determining which course of action produces the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people.
Which of the following is a correct statement?
A. Moral rules based on the Natural Law are those legislated by the United Nations.
B. The failure to comply with the natural law carries a criminal or civil legal sanction.
C. The Stoics maintained that slavery could be moral pursuant to natural law principles because it was "natural" that some people were superior to others
D. According to Locke, the natural law is the true standard of morality.
Someone who believes that moral decisions should be made such that the greatest number of people receive the greatest amount of good out of the actions, believes in which moral theory?
A. Ethical relativism.
B. Utilitarianism.
C. Ethical fundamentalism.
D. Kantian ethics.
Ethical relativism is best described as what type of a theory?
A. Legal since it is based solely on a society legislating laws.
B. Prescriptive since it sets forth moral norms.
C. Descriptive since it reports on different customs and practices.
D. None of the above.