
Ethical issues raised by research involving xenografts

Assignment Task: Answer these questions below:

Step 1: There are four different types of arthritis: osteo, rheumatoid, gout, and psoriatic. Of these, which is the most common form of arthritis? The most serious? Which would most likely affect your big toe and why? If genies existed and someone cursed you with arthritis, but the genie allowed you to pick which type, which would you pick?

Step 2: Go to both links to answer this questions below:

Ethical issues raised by research involving xenografts By A L Caplan

Xenograft risks: What you and your patients need to know By Michael E. Trice

A xenograft is a tissue graft or organ transplant from a donor of a different species from the recipient receiving the graft or organ. That means an animal may been used to make someone better or save someone's life. But there's controversy around this. Check out the two articles below, one very dated and the other somewhat dated, and give your opinion as to what you think about using xenografts.

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Biology: Ethical issues raised by research involving xenografts
Reference No:- TGS03256334

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