
Ethical issues of autonomous vehicles

Ethical issues of autonomous vehicles

1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rob.20147/pdf

This one talks about the first car in 2004 DARPA(defence advanced research project agency) Grand challenge got the first place, and then google bought this company, google’s technology of cars come from this first car.

2. https://robots.stanford.edu/papers/junior08.pdf

The second car, also in 2007 DARPA urban challenge got second place, the skills are in the paper, same challenge, the last one in desert compare to this one in city

3. https://www.google.com/patents/US6370475

This talks about the google’s system of accident avoidance

4. https://robots.stanford.edu/papers/junior08.pdf

This one talks about how autonomous vehicles help or not help the society

So basically, you need to write about autonomous vehicle’s pros and cons and you need to choose a side and persuade the reader to agree to your point of view.

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Reference No:- TGS01436710

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