Ethical issues in the conduct of research and evaluation

Details: In preparation for a client meeting, you will now perform fundamental research analyzing and explaining

How to conduct a literature review to support the research effort. Also discuss how to develop an Annotated Bibliography and how it can be applied to effectively support the research effort.

How research topics are selected and narrowed.

The importance of the purpose statement.

How you have both an ethical and legal responsibility to your client to assure the client that your research methodology and final report will be of the highest ethical standards

Be sure to cite all references in APA format.


Recognize ethical issues in the conduct of research and evaluation and their relevance to research efforts

Identify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies to be used in order to conduct a successful research project

Apply research concepts and principles by developing a research strategy and proposal for a project

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Business Law and Ethics: Ethical issues in the conduct of research and evaluation
Reference No:- TGS02016406

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