
Ethical issues in health care access


Research over the years continues to find that among heart attack victims, those with diagnosed mental illnesses are less likely to receive aggressive treatment as those heart attack victims with no diagnoses of mental illness. Aggressive treatments include angioplasty and bypass surgery among others. Some researchers have suggested that the differential may be the product of bias among health care providers. Others suggest that the difference in care provided may simply reflect the individual patientâ??s exercise of their own autonomy to refuse treatment. Still other explanations suggest that because individuals with mental illnesses are often non-compliant with health care follow-up, aggressive treatment may be futile. First, are there ethical issues embedded in these research findings? Second, if so, what are they and what is your analysis of them?

Argue both sides of the issues basing arguments on ethical theories/ethical principles.

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Ethical issues in health care access
Reference No:- TGS01899254

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