
Ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality

1. Explain the ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality.

2. Provide ethical theories and/or ethical principles (from among those introduced in yourreadings) to substantiate your position.

3. Identify a reasonable alternative to address the dilemma presented in the article using a framework of ethical decision making presented in lecture or in your readings. Explain the significance of applying this framework.

4. Explain how an ethics committee might approach the dilemma using ethical theories, principles, and a collaborative approach to ethical decision making. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

An abstract is not required.

Implications of a Breach of Confidentiality Does not identify contextual features related to confidentiality. Does not distinguish among fact, opinion, and value judgments. Fails to identify implications and consequences of breach of confidentiality. Incomplete discussion of issue. Superficial analysis of ethical implications. Limited consideration of preexisting assumptions. Limited discussion of relevant context and exploration of implications. Identifies influence of assumptions, addressing ethical dimensions that underlie the issue. Relevant context and thorough discussion of issue. Analysis includes consideration of preexisting socially constructed assumptions. Identifies implications and consequences from a practice perspective. Analysis of issue is comprehensive. Explores confidentiality with global perspective, identifying underlying relationships between stakeholders and among socially constructed systems.

Provide Ethical Theories and/or Ethical Principles to Substantiate Your Position Does not identify ethical theory and/or principle from readings. Does not present own perspective. Discussion is grounded in absolutes, with little or no acknowledgement of own bias. Applies ethical theory and/or principle to issue, though some aspects are incorrect or confusing. Key details and connections between theory and application are missing. Presents own perspective without justification, does not address other views. Applies ethical theory and/or principle with limited integration.

Analysis is incomplete. Presents own perspective without justification. Integrates multiple viewpoints and comparisons of ideas or perspectives using ethical theory and/or principles as a framework. Identifies own position on issue, but justification and connection to theory are incomplete. Appropriately identifies own position on issue, drawing support from lecture content, experience, and information beyond assigned sources. Integrates ethical theory and/or principle to substantiate position.

Identify a Reasonable Alternative to Address the Dilemma Does not adopt a decision-making framework. Presents a single perspective; alternatives are not addressed. Applies decision-making framework incorrectly. Confuses cause and correlation; presents ideas and alternatives in confused or confusing sequence. Does not explain significance of applying framework. Identifies alternatives with limited scope. Applies decision-making framework as foundation for selecting alternatives and justifying their application, given the context of the dilemma presented. Identifies alternatives that demonstrate relevance, accuracy, and completeness. Applies decision-making framework with clearly distinct correlations of relationships among ideas. Integrates decision-making framework in a complex process of judgment and justification with comprehensive discussion of implications for each alternative identified. Clearly articulates significance of framework with a thorough discussion of strengths and limitations.

Explain How an Ethics Committee Might Approach the Dilemma Using Ethical Theories, Principles, and a Collaborative

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Reference No:- TGS01435349

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