
Ethical dilemmas of globalization


Question 1. Individual countries have individual laws. For example, environmental regulations are different in the United States than they are in, say, Chile. Multinational companies operate within multiple countries and, therefore, face varying standards and regulations--especially those concerned with environmental and labor issues. One of the most common criticisms of multinational organizations is that they deliberately locate operations in developing countries with much looser environmental and labor regulations than those of many developed nations to increase profits. What is your opinion? Should multinational organizations abide by the standards of their home country, even if they might be legal in the country in which they operate? In other words, is it acceptable (legally, ethically) for a multinational corporation to engage in a practice that is illegal in their own country if it is not illegal in their host country (e.g. pollution, child labor)? Think back to our discussions of ethical relativism and ethical universalism and use outside examples and evidence from this week's readings to support your argument.

Question 2. The article introduces what is globalization and who support it and who are against it. There are also many ethical problems with regarding to the globalization. I think people indeed have got benefits from globalization and many conditions have been improved a lot. For example, people start using electronic and touch different things. If there was no globalization, the speed of development would be too slow. We know it is very hard for the government of each country to pay attention to different companies' actions, so I think each company and organization should take corporate social responsibility automatically. They need to care about environmental problems, employees, customers and many other aspects due to the fact that globalization connects everyone and everything together. Globalization can give advantages to people, and then disadvantages also influence all the people. When companies and organizations can pay attention to their actions and make decision in an ethical way, the unethical and harmful things can effectively decline.

Enrenfeld, S. (April 8). Ethical Dilemmas of Globalization. Retrieved from https://ethicalfocus.org/ethical-dilemmas-of-globalization/

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