
ethical choice of the market targetsmarket

Ethical choice of the market targets:

Market targeting sometimes generates public controversy. The public is concentred when the marketers take unfair advantage of valuable groups (such as children) or disadvantages group (such as inner city poor people) or promote potentially harmful products. The real industry has been heavily criticized for the marketing efforts directed toward children. Cities worries that high powered appeals presented through the mouths of lovable animated characters will overwhelms children's defences and lead them to eat too much sugared real or poorly balanced breakfasts. Toy marketers have been similarly criticized. Mc Donald's and other chains have drawn criticism for pitching their high fat, salt laden fare to the low income inner city residents. Not all attempts to target children, minorities, or other special segments draw criticism. Thus in the market trading the issue is not who is targeted but rather how and for what. Socially responsible marketing calls for targeting that serves not only the company's interests but also the interest of those targeted.

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Marketing Management: ethical choice of the market targetsmarket
Reference No:- TGS0160815

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