
Ethical and corporate social responsibility issues

Continuing with your chosen firm and country identified for  you will now need to prepare a second report for the company which:

• outlines Ethical & Corporate Social Responsibility issues your company is likely to encounter when doing business between the two countries;

• recommends the most appropriate entry mode, corporate and business level strategy and human resourceapproach; and

• provides recommendations for motivating and leading cross cultural staff.

The structure of your report should be as follows:

1. Executive Summary (a 2 page (maximum) summary of key findings, strategies and outcomes).

2. Table of Contents

3. Introduction to the report, brief background to company

4. Brief summary of key macro issues relevant to country: ie a synopsis of Part A of your report on the macro environment (Topics 1-6). NB this should only be 1-2 pages maximum in length

5. Ethical & Corporate Social Responsibility issues the international manager is likely to encounter in doing business in the target country with suggestions on how to tackle these issues in order to minimise problems which may arise (Topic 7)

6. International strategy for company (Topic 8).

7. Recommendation for entry mode with justifications why this method is being recommended (Topic 9).

8. HR recommendations (takes into account the cultural aspects of the country, the strategy of the firm and the various options available). (Topic 10)

9. Methods and strategies for motivation and leadership of cross cultural teams (Topic 11)

10. Conclusion

11. References in APA format


This assessment task is designed to:

o encourage independent research into the ethical, CSR and cross-cultural management issues of doing business in a particular country

o allow you to apply your understanding of macro-economic issues when recommending strategies for international operations

o provide you with experience in writing an authentic workplace report that includes recommendations and justifications which are based on research and analysis.

This assessment task relates to all 6 Learning Objectives for this subject.

Marking Criteria Assessment 3

CRITERION Fail (N) /0-49 Poor/unacceptable/Not attempted/requires further development/needs improvement Pass (P)/ 50-59

Acceptable/Satisfactory/Proficient Credit (C)/60-69

Good/Well done Distinction (D)/ 70-79

Very good/ exceeds expectations High Distinction (HD)/80-100

Excellent/exemplary/exceeding high standard

1 - Executive Summary

(10 marks) The executive summary was missing or poorly constructed e.g. it acted as a table of contents or introduction outlining what the report contained rather than summarising the key findings.

Summarised some key findings but still reads more like an introduction than an Executive Summary (i.e. "the report will cover ..." rather than "the report found that.... )

ES provides a summary of most of the key findings in the report. Some discussion of implications included.

A good summary of the key findings in the report was provided. The report provides an informed discussion of the implications of these findings in terms of risks and opportunities. Provided a concise yet comprehensive summary of the findings of the report. Findings for all important factors were provided in the summary. Discussion of implication demonstrates strong understanding of macro environmental risks and opportunities.

2 - Introduction - covering scope of report and summary of key macro issues arising from previous report.

(10 marks) The introduction did not highlight the scope of the report. Summary of key macro issues missing or poorly constructed.

Scope of the report outlined. Key macro areas identified but not well defined and implications not addressed or addressed superficially.

Scope of the report outlined clearly. Information on key macro issues clearly identified and implications identified. Clear links between previous report and current report. Scope of the report clearly articulated. Information on key macro issues clearly identified and implications discussed. Clear links between previous report and current report. Scope of the report clearly articulated. Information on key macro issues concisely and clearly identified. Discussion shows expert ability to synthesize information to present a clear exposition of knowledge. Clear links between previous report and current report.

3. Discussion of ethical & CSR issues

10 marks No or limited research into ethical/CSR issues. Minimal discussion. Some research into ethical/CSR issues. Highlights some key aspects (eg corruption index score). Some discussion of implications. Research into ethical/CSR issues evident. Highlights main aspects (eg corruption index score, cultural differences impacting values, beliefs perceptions). Some discussion of implications Research into ethical/CSR issues evident. Highlights main aspects (eg corruption index score, cultural differences impacting values, beliefs perceptions). Discussion of implications is informed and well supported. Excellent research into ethical & CSR issues international manager is likely to face in environment. Links analysis to cultural aspects. Strong ability to synthesize information, analyse implications and relate to theory.

4 - Strategy recommendations & justification for corporate, business level strategy, entry mode and HR approach

 Recommended strategies missing or not supported by findings from macro environment and firm situation. Recommended strategies are reasonable and generally supported by findings from macro environment and firm situation. Suggested entry mode, corporate, business and HR strategies are appropriate and justified in relation to macro environment, company size, strategy and resources. Suggested entry mode, corporate and business strategies are appropriate and justified in relation to macro environment, company size, strategy and resources. HR policy takes into consideration cultural findings, firm strategy and wider macros issues. Suggested entry mode, corporate and business strategies are appropriate and well justified in relation to macro environment, company size, strategy and resources. HR policy takes into consideration cultural findings, firm strategy and wider macros issues. Discussion shows expert ability to synthesize information to present a clear exposition of knowledge.

5 - Evaluation of motivation and leadership issues facing international managers and recommendation for approach.

 Demonstrates little understanding of the complexity of motivating and leading staff across cultures. Limited or no discussion of theoretical frameworks. Shows evidence of research and provides good discussion of cultural issues likely to impact on motivation and leadership. Lacks strong analysis using cultural frameworks. Lacks recommendation for international manager. Demonstrates good research into the chosen culture. Clearly identifies important cultural aspects likely to impact on motivation and leadership such as values, attitudes and communication styles. Uses theoretical frameworks to support the analysis. Provides some recommendations. Demonstrates good research into the chosen culture. Clearly evaluates important cultural aspects likely to impact on motivation and leadership such as values, attitudes and communication styles. Uses theoretical frameworks to support the analysis. Provides good recommendations Demonstrates thorough research into the chosen culture. Effectively synthesizes information to identify important elements. Provides and insightful analysis into deeper aspects of culture such as values, attitudes and communication styles and their impact on motivation and leadership. Effectively uses theoretical frameworks to draw connections and discusses implications for international managers.

8 -Structure, organisation, presentation and grammar

The report was unprofessional, unclear and not well structured. Table of contents, headings, page numbers etc were missing or inconsistent.

Meaning unclear and/or grammar and/or spelling contained frequent errors. The report was neat and well structured. Presentation mostly follows guidelines ie 1.5 spacing, page numbers, easy to read font. Reference list on separate page. Some minor issues.

Meaning apparent but language not always fluent. Some spelling and grammatical errors The report was neat and well structured. Presentation follows guidelines ie 1.5 spacing, page numbers, easy to read font. Reference list on separate page

Language mainly fluent. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Organisation and presentation was of report was of a professional, standard. Presentation follows guidelines.

Fluent writing style. Grammar and spelling accurate. Organisation and presentation was of an excellent standard. Presentation follows guidelines.

Fluent writing style. Grammar and spelling accurate.

10 Research and referencing

Referencing needed improvement. Sources were uncited / poorly cited / demonstrated little attempt to comply with APA system.

Reliance on few and/or poor quality sources. There was likely a reliance on one source of literature. Referencing was of a satisfactory standard. An attempt was made to use the APA method of referencing. Some errors evident e.g. page numbers missing from direct quotations. Overall references were presented reasonably clearly in the reference list, using a consistent format (not missing many references).

Used a variety of authentic information sources. Referencing was of a good standard. Most citations follow APA method of referencing. These references were presented reasonably clearly in the reference list, using a consistent format (not missing many references).

Used a variety of authentic information sources. Referencing was of a high standard. Majority of citations and references in reference list conform to APA standard.

Used a variety of authentic and appropriate information sources and texts. Excellent referencing with majority of citations correctly adhering to APA method. Comprehensive reference list.

Wide variety of authentic and appropriate sources used in appropriate context.

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Other Management: Ethical and corporate social responsibility issues
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