
Ethical advertising



TOPICs/ISSUEs: choose a topic from the list below. Most of these topics are very broad and may need to be narrowed into more specific topics. If you have a related topic in mind that is not directly listed here, OR if you question whether your chosen topic is too broad, please Pager message me for approval for the topic. A topic that is too broad will be difficult to research and write - making the topic as specific as possible is one of the keys to success. Whistleblowing may not be used as a topic as it will be covered in Discussions.

Ethical advertising

Requirements for Final Project:

1. Include all the sections listed below

2. Label each with a subheading title as listed below and highlighted in blue

I. INTRODUCTION - introduce topic to be discussed


Discuss specific background information to explain the topic, such as explaining the meaning of the topics, any relevant history of the topic, any trends or changes in the topic, any future trends, etc. - the purpose of a background is to provide a background to inform any reader who is unfamiliar with the topic reader


1. Identify and specifically define/name 3 ethical issues for business that are related to/associated with the topic

2. Discuss each ethical issue in detail as to why and how it is an ethical issue for the topic, etc.


1. Describe/define one ethical dilemma that might be associated with the topic and its ethical issues

2. Use the EITHER/OR statement format


Describe and discuss potential solution/resolution #1 to the ethical dilemma/issues and problems presented by the topic. For example, if your topic is unethical vs. ethical marketing to children, describe a resolution a business can apply to resolve the problem of unethical marketing to children. Resolution should be feasible, reasonable and logical.

Discussion should include following subsections (label each subsection as listed below):

1. Globalization: discuss how globalization might affect, impact business and your suggested Resolution 1

2. Ethical Relativism:discuss how ethical relativism might affect, impact business and your suggested Resolution 1


Describe and discuss potential solution/resolution #2 to the ethical dilemma/issues and problems presented by the topic. For example, if your topic is unethical vs. ethical marketing to children, describe a resolution a business can apply to resolve the problem of unethical marketing to children. Resolution should be feasible, reasonable and logical.

Discussion should include following subsections (label each subsection as listed below):

1. Globalization: discuss how globalization might affect, impact business and your suggested Resolution 2

2. Ethical Relativism:discuss how ethical relativism might affect, impact business and your suggested Resolution 2


1. Choose 1 of your suggested resolutions above as the best resolution to the ethical dilemma/issues/problems and discuss why you believe it is the best choice

2. Ethical Theory: Discussion must explain1 ethical theorythat applies to the resolution and why/how it would be the best guide to choosing and implementing this specific resolution

VIII. CONCLUSION: comprehensive summary


1. use APA format

2. must use at least 7 different resources


1. double-space, 12-point font

2. title page with topic listed, your name, date

3. approximately 6 to 8 pages in length, excluding the title page, but could be longer

4. write in the third person (refer to Student Toolbox for tips)

5. use APA formatting for in-text citations and References

6. paraphrase; do not use direct quotes from resources

7. do not bother creating elaborate graphics or title page as it will not enhance grades

8. submit in the Assignment Folder

resources may be taken from any class assigned materials, academic journal articles, major metropolitan newspapers, business periodicals.

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Marketing Management: Ethical advertising
Reference No:- TGS01801408

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