
Estimating the pizza demand

Please assist me with the following questions:

Question 1. Write the theoretical demand equation using the appropriate variable names you created when you prepared data for analysis. The variable names should be very short and must be in capital letters. For instance, QTY for Y, PRPIZZA for X1, and PRSDRK for X3. For example, if you used QTY for quantity, us QTY in the estimating demand equation rather than Y. Remember to use the exact same variable names you used in the data. In other words, do NOT use Y and X1, X2, X3, and so on.

Question 2. After estimating the pizza demand, write the estimated demand equation. Make sure you use the estimated coefficients you obtained from the regression output.

Question 3. Is the estimated coefficient of the price of pizza statistically significant at the 5% level? You can use either the t-test or the P-value. What does it mean when you reject the null hypothesis?

Question 4. Compute the price elasticity of demand. When computing the price elasticity of demand, use the average price elasticity of demand.

Question 5. What is the adjusted R-square? Explain the meaning of the number you got.

I require two files - the data file and an Excel regression output along with a word file containing all answers and formulas used.

Please see the below for the subsequent information.

Estimated Demand Equation

QTY=25.31 - 0.080X1 + 0.127X2 - 0.073X3                   


Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.843959638

R Square 0.712267871

Adjusted R Square 0.679068009

Standard Error 1.620755005

Observations 30


  df SS MS F Significance F

Regression 3 169.0686502 56.35621673 21.45394129 3.31859E-07

Residual 26 68.29801646 2.626846787

Total 29 237.3666667      

  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 25.30970991 2.395801582 10.56419284 6.67933E-11 20.38506928 30.23435055 20.38506928 30.23435055
PRPIZZA -0.07994199 0.012697274 -6.29599617 1.15245E-06 -0.10604161 -0.053842369 -0.10604161 -0.053842369
TUITION 0.126455913 0.083499805 1.514445611 0.141976124 -0.045180392 0.298092218 -0.045180392 0.298092218
PRSDRK -0.072882041 0.018367958 -3.967890176 0.000508311 -0.11063792 -0.035126163 -0.11063792 -0.035126163

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Microeconomics: Estimating the pizza demand
Reference No:- TGS01744628

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