Estimate the work done by the heart to keep the blood circulating.
Qblood = 5.0 L/min
Pblood = 1.056 kg/L
u (pulmonary vein) = 0.139 m/s from lungs; 6 mm Hg
u (aorta) = 0.333 m/s to body; 95 mm Hg
u (vena cava) = 0.104 m/s from body; 0 mm Hg
u (pulmonary artery) = 0.208 m/s to lungs; 15 mm Hg
1. The fluid that flows through the heart has a uniform velocity profile.
2. The system can be modeled as steady-state with one inlet and one outlet.
3. Neglect frictional loses in the pumping heart.
4. No reactions occur.
5. Negligible elavation changes in the heart (i.e., the points all lie at the same height in the heart)
6. The blood is inviscid and incompressible.