
Estimate the value of the coefficient of at-rest earth

Samples of soil have been taken at depths of 1m, 3m and 5m belownatural surface in a swamp area. The soil profile with depth is a uniform clay with asaturated density of 1750 kg/m3. Water level was originally at natural surfacealthough now it has been permanently lowered to 3m below natural surface. Values ofhorizontal total stress have been measured at:

Depth(m)                        Total Horizontal Stress(KPa)

1                                                  9.8

3                                                 41.2

5                                                 75.5

Estimate the value of the coefficient of at-rest earth pressure forthe deposit. If, when the water table was at the ground surface, the deposit was normallyconsolidated,would it still be normally consolidated with the water tablelowered? A reason must be given for your answer.

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Civil Engineering: Estimate the value of the coefficient of at-rest earth
Reference No:- TGS0796751

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