Estimate the projects net present value

Discussion Post: Capital Budgeting Concepts

A company is considering making a new bicycle. The company expects to sell 4,000 units of the bicycle each year for 5 years. Each bicycle is expected to sell for $400. The company's tax rate is 30%. Fixed costs are $700,000 per year, and variable costs are $75 per bicycle.

To make the bicycle, the company will purchase a machine that costs $1.5 million today. The machine will be depreciated with straight-line depreciation over a 5-year period. The machine will be sold for $50,000 when this project ends in 5 years.

The net working capital requirements are $150,000 at Year 0, which are expected to be recovered in full in Year 5. The required rate of return for the project is 12%.

Using Open file: Project Template , complete the following with this information:

a) Estimate the project's cash flows
b) Estimate the project's net present value (NPV)
c) Determine if the project should be accepted or not?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Project Management: Estimate the projects net present value
Reference No:- TGS03103978

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