
Estimate the number of flip-flops that will be needed to

Pushbutton Sequence Detector

This exercise regards the pushbutton sequence detector designed in example 11.8.

a) Estimate the number of flip-flops that will be needed to implement that circuit for a 50MHz clock and sequential FSM encoding.

b) What is the number of flip-flops if one-hot encoding is used instead?

c) Compile the code and check whether the inferred numbers of registers match your predictions (note that the only change needed in the code from one case to the other is in line 22).

d) Physically implement the circuit in your FPGA board and check its operation. Try it with several values for a, b, and c (lines 7-9), including repetitions.

e) Modify your design by including one LED for each state, then retest it in the FPGA board.

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Basic Computer Science: Estimate the number of flip-flops that will be needed to
Reference No:- TGS02209089

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