1. Estimate the heat transfer coefficient, h, associated with Points A, B, C, D, and E in Figure 10.4. Which point is associated with the largest value of h? Which point cor- responds to the smallest value of h? Determine the thickness of the vapor blanket at the Leidenfrost point, neglecting radiation heat transfer through the blanket. Assume the solid is a flat surface.
2. A long, 1-mm-diameter wire passes an electrical current dissipating 3150 W/m and reaches a surface temperature of 126°C when submerged in water at 1 atm. What is the boiling heat transfer coefficient? Estimate the value of the correlation coefficient Cs,f.
3. Estimate the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficient for water boiling at atmospheric pressure on the outer surface of a platinum-plated 10-mm- diameter tube maintained 10°C above the saturation temperature.