Solve the following problems:
Q: Consider a horizontal 6-mm-thick, 100-mm-Iong straight fin fabricated from plain carbon steel (k = 57 W/m · K, e = 0.5). The base of the fin is maintained at 150°C, while the quiescent ambient air and the surroundings are at 25°C. Assume the fin tip is adiabatic.
(a) Estimate the fin heat rate per unit width, q'f. Use an average fin surface temperature of 125°C to estimate the free convection coefficient and the linearized radiation coefficient. How sensitive is your estimate to the choice of the average fin surface temperature?
(b) Generate a plot of q; as a function of the fin emissivity for 0.05 < b="">< 0.95.="" on="" the="" same="" coordinates,="" show="" the="" fraction="" of="" the="" total="" heat="" rate="" due="" to="" radiation="" exchange.="">