Estimate the fad ntp of the compressor and the relative

Question :1)

An item of plant requires 2 m3 min-1 of pulsation-free and oil-free compressed air supplied at a pressure of 7 bar. Select and size a suitable type of machine with regard to output FAD (free air delivered) and quality of air supply.

Question :2) Air is drawn into a compressor at normal temperature and pressure (N.T.P.) and compressed to a pressure of 6 bar gauge. After compression the air is delivered at 1.2 m3 min-1 and cooled to a temperature of 30°C, at which point condensate is collected at the rate of 2 litres per hour. Estimate the FAD (N.T.P.) of the compressor, and the relative humidity of the air entering the compressor.

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Mechanical Engineering: Estimate the fad ntp of the compressor and the relative
Reference No:- TGS0947240

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