Question 1: You may have heard there was an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico several years ago. Estimate the diffusion coefficient of OilDispersant A in a 10 mole percent Dispersant A -sea water mixture. The concentrated solution is non-ideal (use the NRTL activity coefficient model). Assume Dispersant A has the properties of benzene. The water temperature is 60 F.
γ∞Dispersant A = 10.0 γ∞water = 1.3
μsea water = 1.2 cP μDispersant A = 0.6 cP
Steady State Diffusion Problems
Question 2: The inside of a solid pipe is coated with a uniform layer of pure perfume An air stream flows inside the tube at 25.0 ft/ s. The diameter of the tube is 0.5 in and the temperature of the air is 80 °F. Calculate the mass transfer coefficient for the transfer of perfume into the air stream using:
A) The Reynolds analogy
B) The Prandtl analogy
C) The von Karmen analogy
D) The Chilton-Colburn "J" factor analogy