
Estimate the demand equation for new cars

Question: The factors that affect the demand for new passenger cars in the U.S. are given; From these data answer the following questions.                       
Q1. Estimate the demand equation for new cars of the form

Y = a +b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4                       
Q2. With the use of a graph, compare the estimated demand Y' based on the above equation with the actual data. Graph both the actual and the estimated demand                       
Q3. Assess the goodness of fit of between the actual and the estimated demand                       
Q4. State the specific effects of each independent variable on the demand for automobile                       
Q5. Identify the significant variables using the t test.  Use the 5% level of sginificance.                   

The Annual Demand for Passenger Cars in the United States

X1 X2 X3 X4 Y Yest.

New Cars


1971 121.3 776.8 4.89 79367 10227 9819.8591

1972 125.3 839.6 4.55 82153 10872 10361.911

1973 133.1 949.8 7.38 85064 11350 10499.428

1974 147.7 1038.4 8.61 86794 8775 9981.0769

1975 161.2 1142.8 6.16 85846 8539 9767.1884

1976 170.5 1252.6 5.22 88762 9994 10289.364

1977 181.5 1379.3 5.5 92017 11046 10669.624

1978 195.4 1551.2 7.78 96048 11164 10956.784

1979 217.4 1729.3 10.25 98824 10559 10414.811

1980 246.6 1918 11.28 99303 8979 9215.8902

1981 272.4 2127.6 13.73 100397 8535 8332.1567

1982 289.1 2261.4 11.2 99526 7980 8074.746

1983 298.4 2428.1 8.69 100834 9179 8955.9761

1984 311.1 2670.6 9.65 105005 10394 10011.598

1985 322.2 2841.1 7.75 107150 11039 10809.848

1986 328.4 3022.1 6.31 109597 11450 12060.893

X1 = consmer price index in percent               
X2 = disposable personal income in bil dols.               
X3 = interest rate in percent               
X4 = employment in 100               
Y = no of new cars sold in 1000               
Y' = estimate of new cars sold based on demand function

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Macroeconomics: Estimate the demand equation for new cars
Reference No:- TGS02096666

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