
Estimate of 3 days a most likely time estimate of 8 days


A GANTT chart represents mainly

a). an immediate identification of predecessor task.
b.) a record-keeping device used in scheduling activities.
c) a general identifier.
d) the number of workers directly involved in the project.


A PERT/CPM activity has an optimistic time estimate of 3 days, a most likely time estimate of 8 days, and a pessimistic time estimate of 10 days. The expected lime (in days) of this activity is:

a) 7.0

b) 7.5

c) 80

d) 85


A PERT/CPM activity has an optimistic time estimate of 4 days, a most likely time estimate of 6 days. and a pessimistic time estimate of 10 days. The standard deviation of this activity is:m 7/6


A list of the tasks, broken down into modules, components, and individual tasks, is called a
m work breakdown structure (WBS).
• planning matrix. u critical path.

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Basic Statistics: Estimate of 3 days a most likely time estimate of 8 days
Reference No:- TGS0653099

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