
Estimate is in constant fy 1995 dollars while the spaniel

1) The TERRIER program cost estimate is in constant FY 1995 dollars, while the SPANIEL program cost estimate is in constant FY 1999 dollars. Which one of the following is the most valid way of comparing the costs of these two programs?

Convert the SPANIEL program cost to then-year dollars using the raw index

Convert the TERRIER program cost to then-year dollars using the weighted index

Convert the SPANIEL program cost to constant FY 1995 dollars using the weighted index

Convert the TERRIER program cost to constant FY 1999 dollars using the raw index

2) Which appropriation category should be used to fund the purchase of 100 heavy-lift transport aircraft?


Military Personnel

Military Construction

Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation

3) Which one of the following statements concerning working capital fund (WCF) operations is TRUE?

Customers pay for goods and services they receive from WCF business units using appropriations they receive from Congress

An acquisition program must contribute a portion of its funding each year to finance the corpus of the DoD Working Capital Funds

Customers establish WCF stabilized rates based on how much they can afford to pay

WCF business units always attempt to earn profits that are returned to the Treasury to reduce the national debt

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Physics: Estimate is in constant fy 1995 dollars while the spaniel
Reference No:- TGS0615011

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