
Estimate how much time it will take to solve a tridiagonal

Answer the following Questions :

Suppose that multiplying two general n by n matrices takes 3 seconds on a given computer, if n = 1000.

Estimate how much time it will take to compute the LU-decomposition of such a matrix.

Suppose that solving a general system of linear equations of dimension 1000 takes 10 seconds on a given computer.

Estimate how much time it will take to solve a tridiagonal linear system of dimension 106 on that computer.

How many divisions are needed for LU-decomposition of an n by n tridiagonal matrix (not counting multiplications and additions)?

How many divisions are needed for LU-decomposition of an n by n general matrix (not counting multiplications and additions)?

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Computer Engineering: Estimate how much time it will take to solve a tridiagonal
Reference No:- TGS02935483

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