
Estimate goose abundace

Reed and Chagnon (1987) wanted to estimate the number of greater snow geese on Bylot Island, in Canada's Northwest Territories. They gridded the island into 400 2x2 plots. They divided the 400 plots into three strata, based on ecological factors that are known to be associated with goose abundance.

Stratum Stratum Size Sample Size Mean SD

High Quality 65 34 412.5 316.9

Medium 127 28 136.8 127.7

Low 208 21 16.2 30.5

a. Using their estimates of stratum SDs and sizes determine the optimal allocation for a sample of 83 (their actual sample size).

b. Estimate the total number of geese on the isalnd with a 95% CI.

c. Assuming optimal allocation, what sample size would be required to estimate goose abundace with a 10% margin of error?

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Basic Statistics: Estimate goose abundace
Reference No:- TGS0719450

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