
estimate daily energy requirement and safe

Estimate Daily energy requirement and safe protein intake?

The estimated mean daily per capita energy requirement of 2070 Kcal rounded up  to 2100 Kcal is based on WHO technical report- No. 724 published in 1985 and on  the following assumptions:

  • The age/sex distribution of the population is a characteristic of developing countries
  • The mean height of adult men and women are 169 cm and 155 cm respectively, which is the approximate value in sub-Saharan Africa
  • The body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2 ) is between 20-22
  • Physical activity is light
  • All infants are breast-fed from birth to 6 months, and half of the infants of 6- 11 months are still breast-feeding and deriving half of their energy and protein requirement from breast milk
  • Safe daily protein intake, from an average mixed diet of cereals, pulses and vegetables is estimated to be 46 g.

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Biology: estimate daily energy requirement and safe
Reference No:- TGS0307298

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