
Estimate correlation coefficient

1)  InvRisk Analysis:

A study of volatility of 40 country's stock market returns was conducted by the considering the standard deviation of such returns, the country's credit rating, and whether or not the country is developing or emerging country. Examine this data below and summarize your results. What are the relationships between the data above? Examine with charts/graphs/tables and discussion.

Country StdDev Rating Dev/Emrg
Afghanistan 55.7 8.3 E
Australia 23.9 71.2 D
China 27.2 57.0 E
Cuba 55.0 8.7 E
Germany 20.3 90.9 D
France 20.6 89.1 D
India 30.3 46.1 E
Belgium 22.3 79.2 D
Canada 22.1 80.3 D
Ethiopia 47.9 14.1 E
Haiti 54.9 8.8 E
Japan 20.2 91.6 D
Libya 36.7 30.0 E
Malaysia 24.3 69.1 E
Mexico 31.8 41.8 E
New Zealand 24.3 69.4 D
Nigeria 46.2 15.8 E
Oman 28.6 51.8 D
Panama 38.6 26.4 E
Spain 23.4 73.7 D
Sudan 60.5 6.0 E
Taiwan 22.2 79.9 D
Norway 21.4 84.6 D
Sweden 23.3 74.1 D
Togo 45.1 17.0 E
Ukraine 46.3 15.7 E
UK 20.8 87.8 D
US 20.3 90.7 D
Vietnam 36.9 29.5 E
Zimbabwe 36.2 31.0 E

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Basic Statistics: Estimate correlation coefficient
Reference No:- TGS023016

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