
Estimate about half a page when single spaced but no more

Write a paragraph essay.

Estimate about half a page when single spaced, but no more than a full page. Use the heading Introduction for your first paragraph, then add an appropriate heading for the next three paragraphs in which you write your main content. Use the heading Conclusion for your last paragraph.

Follow correct APA citation practices, making sure that you document quotes and cite the references for resources that you use to create your essay.

Content in your essay:

Describe some aspect of the scientific method. Application of Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a very important aspect of all fields of science; so important that we, again, begin this science course in a discussion of its application and importance. For this assignment you will design a unique experiment (an experiment that one of your classmates has not already posted - if you have an experiment in mind that you would like to write about you may "claim" it for yourself by posting your intent to the Discussion Board before anyone else). You will not have to perform the experiment (unless you are able to and wish to), however you need to plan the details out to the extent that you explain your experiment in the terms given in the notes for the week. State your situation and hypothesis and what variables will be tested to prove/disprove your hypothesis. Writing the Paper You will be writing the paper completely from your own ideas and thoughts, there will not be a need for any citations of outside work, and this paper should be completely original.

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Science: Estimate about half a page when single spaced but no more
Reference No:- TGS0579345

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