
Establishment politicians and political institutions


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Globalizaion is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international or start operating on an international scale (Badham & Couchman. 1995). Globalization, often argued to have been facilitated and accelerated by the use of information technology is an important factor in the challenges facing many democracies today. Globalization is thought to have eroded the power of individual nation states, as the world has become more integrated, especially economically, the power of individual nation states to address and deal with the issues that their populations expect them to has declined. This has led to increasing disillusion with establishment politicians and political institutions and a number of different political responses.

Information system is an academic study of systems with a specific reference to information and the complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and also distribute data( Badham & Couchman. 1995).

One response to increasing globalization has been the growth of international integration of nation states in structures such as the European Union. By working together states believe that they can exert more influence over global economic forces. In some countries this has led to concern that democratic influence by citizens is declining and to a backlash against integration. In Britain this opposition has led to a growth in popularity of a new political movement based on opposition to membership of the European Union and to immigration (Badham & Couchman. 1995).

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Badham, R., Couchman, P. and Little, S. (1995), "Getting smart: developing an action research approach to the integrated management of technical and organizational innovation", Journal of Human SystemsManagement, Vol. 14 No. 1.

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