
Establishment of an organizational infrastructure

Discuss how the establishment of an organizational infrastructure that supports the integration of a career and succession plan competency models and value systems can help employees overcome the doom loop with respect to understanding your own career status.

Directions: Complete each of the following essay questions. Exam is to be typed and each response to the questions should be no less than one page single spaced with one-inch margins on all sides and 12 Times Roman Font or Arial Narrow.  Each question should be followed by the response and appropriate source cited. Question is to be presented single-spaced and bold type and appropriately numbered.

1. Discuss how the establishment of an organizational infrastructure that supports the integration of a career and succession plan competency models and value systems can help employees overcome the doom loop with respect to understanding your own career status.

2. Describe what you would see as the “ideal career management system for a medium-to-large-sized organization. Why did you pick the elements to include that you did? How does this system benefit both individuals and the organization?

3. Select one career development practice or activity (as described in the text) that you feel would fit well within the notion of organizational career development and the new employment contract. Describe what an organization can do to use this practice to enhance its overall career management program.

4. Much has been made recently of the notion of a “new employment contract.” Some writers have suggested new ways that career development and career management practices should be conducted. Suppose you have been asked to give a presentation to the local ASTD association titled “Career Development and the New Employment

Contract” In particular. The results from a recent survey indication that association members have the following questions and concerns:

a) Describe the new employment contract and contrast it to the traditional notion of the employment contract.

b) To what extent is the notion of a new employment contract new? Is it essentially a stereotype that is replacing and old stereotype? Support your position.

c) Assuming there is some truth to the new employment contract, state two implications it can have for career development in organizations.

d) Briefly describe the significance of understanding adult development to successful career development. Be specific.

5. using your knowledge of the Stevenson’s career management model identify and briefly describe one activity that should be included in an organization’s career management program. Identify which element of the model the activity you identify fits within.

6. Provide a detailed explanation for the following statements:

a) A career development culture is a way of life, not a program.

b) Thoughts are like a train, they take us somewhere.  As a result of completing the requirements of this course, where have your thoughts taken you? Explain the significant impact this experience has had and will continue to have on your life.

c) The gift that is in you will destroy you if what’s on the inside can’t sustain you. Explain how this insight could impact you and your vision of development as outlined in your ClMAP.

d) Don’t allow your facts to limit you. You have become aware of things in your life as you developed your portfolios that could be the catalyst for positive change in your future. In what ways can your discoveries or insights help you? Limit you?

e) As a result of your experience in this class, you undoubtedly faced challenges as you had to -perhaps for the first time– engage in critical self reflective introspections. Somewhere along the way, you have discovered that there were and remain challenges that you will have to overcome. Some individuals will settle down on their challenges. Explain how you have prepared yourself to avoid this trap.

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Other Management: Establishment of an organizational infrastructure
Reference No:- TGS01436615

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