Q1. It is difficult to cut costs or raise productivity in a nursing home because
- nursing home care is highly labor-intensive
- an increasing number of people need nursing home care
- reimbursement levels are low
- current policy supports mvoing people out of nursing homes to the community
Q2. How are prescription drug expenses covered while a patient is receiving Medicare Part A services in a nursing home?
- They are included as a portion of the Medicare Part A reimbursement for that patient
- They are covered under Medicare Part D
- The patient is required to pay for them privately
- None of the above
Q3. Case mix measures
- Clinical severity oif the patient
- Skill level of the Staff
- Number of patients with a given condition
- None of the above
Q4. To determine the case mix, MDS information is used to
- refine patient assessment
- evaluate quality indicators
- adjust the base rate
- classify patients
Q5. Who established Medicaid reimbursement rates?
- State governments
- Federal government
- The fiscal intermediary